Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Carmen + Joni {A Post-Wedding Shoot}

So the great thing about a post-wedding shoot is that...well, there are SO many great things about post-wedding shoots! Want the run down? Nah, you probably just want to check out the rest of the photos! I'll catch you at the end of the set...

Gorgeous couple right? Yup. And relaxed as ever. Which is the main reason I recommend post-wedding shoots for couples who want the time to enjoy an extended, creative shoot, but don't want to see each other prior to the wedding ceremony. Other bonuses: No worries about getting back to your guests, the option of various locations, and my favourite--no pangs of hunger plaguing the expressions of the bride & groom!

For this shoot Carmen, Joni, myself and my husband Will, headed to the lakeside town of Arbon where we stopped at the 16th century castle for part of our shoot. As soon as we arrived I spotted the salmon-coloured wall across the street and in between our photos at the castle and on the shores of Lake Constance, I squeezed in a few shots along this gorgeous wall. Which of course was possible because we had all the time in the world (or at least as much time as Carmen could manage in the cold weather...we all were freezing, but that girl was a total trooper--Will had the luxury of staying warm in the car!). Anyway, the shots along the wall were my favourite and I had to share them with you. Sorry it took so's been a bit of a wild month!

1 comment:

  1. FANTASTIC! I love the top one with the architectural detail of the little cherub-y face smiling over the bride and groom.


Comments, ideas, tips, and questions are always welcome...I'd love to hear yours!